Scientific areas
Navigational School developes and implements various scientific programs in form, nature and scope in the areas and specialties of navigation on sea and inland waterways, navigation, logistics, ship theory, hydrometeorology, signaling and radio communications, the use of GMDSS, maritime law, safety of navigation, the basics of survival and first aid in case of disasters.
Scientific work at the Navigation School is carried out in several directions:
- Scientific and methodological support of educational activities, including the development of methods and techniques for teaching technical disciplines using distance learning technologies.
- Research work in the field of innovative development of coastal social infrastructure facilities, public recreational spaces.
- Oceanographic research on the board of small sailing vessels - oceanographic stations and open sea sections, oceanographic work in circumpolar areas, ecological and radioecological monitoring of marine waters, hydrometeorological monitoring in areas of NPP and nuclear facilities, safety audit of hydraulic structures.
- Research developments of specialized oceanographic scientific and technological equipment.
Oceanographic research
The design features and operating conditions of small sailing ships make them promising for use in expeditionary scientific research and for a wide range of oceanographic work.
The unconditional advantages of small sailing ships are their almost unlimited seaworthiness, which makes it possible to sail and perform oceanographic work in almost any area of the world's oceans, and high economic efficiency.
Low costs for training small sailing vessels for oceanographic work and for financing expeditionary navigation on them allow in a short time to significantly increase the fleet of research vessels and the number of oceanographic surveys, including several vessels at the same time.
- Offshore Riparian Stations and Sections
- Oceanographic stations and open sea sections
- Century-old oceanographic sections
- Passing observations
Oceanographic work in the circumpolar regions
- Study of icebergs and their transportation possibilities
- Hydrometeorological support of vessel navigation in the waters of the Northern Sea Route
- Providing the Ice Management System with the necessary hydrometeorological information
Specialized oceanographic, environmental and other works
- Engineering and hydrometeorological survey
- Environmental monitoring
- Radioecological monitoring of marine waters
- Hydrometeorological monitoring in the areas of NPP and nuclear facilities
- Safety audit of hydraulic structures
Research Developments
In recent decades, Russia has taken an active part in international oceanographic research programs. Including in the climatic and geosphere biosphere programs TOGA, WOCE, JGOFS, GLOBALCHANGE, etc.
The unification of observation methods and the coordination of international data exchange carried out by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) were used as a reason for promoting foreign-made scientific instruments on the scientific equipment market.
The Russian-made instrument park has not developed since the 90s. The achievements and experience of the USSR preserved somewhere in many respects do not correspond to the modern element base and technologies.
In this days, Russia's participation in many international bodies and organizations is virtually paralyzed. The Arctic Council, which is the main mechanism for interstate dialogue on northern issues, has ceased to operate against the background of the demonstrative refusal of Western countries from contacts with Russia.
In these conditions, the development of oceanographic research is possible only based on our own experience and technological base.
The issue of updating the research fleet, including for work in the Arctic and Antarctic, is reflected in the state program "Development of shipbuilding and equipment for the development of offshore fields for 2015-2030."
In the document, the first priority area of state policy in the development of the shipbuilding industry is the creation of competitive specialized marine equipment, including ships and swimming facilities for the development of the continental shelf and the Northern Sea Route, the creation of high-tech medium-tonnage transport vessels and support vessels, high-tech fishing vessels and marine and river scientific research and scientific expeditionary vessels.
Currently, ANO DPO Navigatskaya Shkola is carrying out research developments on the development of a hydrological complex based on the CTD of a pop-up probe for deep-sea (up to 6000 m) sensing with the possibility of obtaining a 3-dimensional trajectory of a pop-up buoy, according to which a vertical profile of currents is compiled.
Such a complex is innovative, not previously used. There are no foreign analogues.